Category: Chapter 2: Out of the ordinary

Just when I thought, And that my brain is incapable, Of registering such information, Conclusion, Of such a thing like It is in fact expanding. To the brink of insufficient,…

December 21, 2014 / Chapter 2: Out of the ordinary

I bought a shell. Its empty and pure. Perfect and clean. I love it that way. Never imagined it to turn yellow. Crumpled and forgotten. Broken and torn. I bought…

By the way, this is a must watch! I love her way of poetry slam and it is awesome!!:)

What would you expect, a maiden’s letter? Words that matches her personal self, And hopefully an imprint or a gift to remind you of her?   Let me tell you…

February 12, 2013 / Chapter 2: Out of the ordinary

I can’t help myself, From vomiting these words that weren’t supposed to be out. I can’t stop my mind, From thinking instead of listening to the words you say.  …

Like a passing cloud.I wish I could be invisible.But hidden is as close as I can be. S.H

Revolving door,Always comes around,Do not push the door,Cause it wouldn’t budge.Do not grudge.For it is just a door,Nothing more. S.H

 Stranger than anything Darker than what I’ve seen Scarier than what I’ve heard But Allah protects me.  Withstand the cold The desert hot The thorns The spikes  Withstand the desires The madness The numbness The fun ness?  Into a…