Category: Chapter 7: As a reminder

June 15, 2018 / Chapter 7: As a reminder

When you see with your eyes, It can trick you. And when you see with your mind, It can be wrong. When you see with your desires, It is reckless…

November 4, 2015 / Chapter 7: As a reminder

Push me To the ground. Heave and spite. Pull me closer to the ground. The ground. I need to feel the ground. The mountain has no peaks. Without the ground.…

August 1, 2015 / Chapter 5: Crazy Outbursts
July 23, 2015 / Chapter 7: As a reminder

I whispered to the winds, And closed my eyes: I want to be invisible. ~S.H.~

July 21, 2015 / Chapter 7: As a reminder

When words haunt me Of the past, that threatened To come back. I whispered a silent prayer: What’s past is past, Come what may, the future. ~S.H.~

July 18, 2015 / Chapter 1: People you meet

The defect is that you’re blue And I’m yellow. ~S.H.~ Different spectrum. P.S. to compensate for the accidental deletion of my previous post.. sighs

As if a single seedling, Has bloomed into, A beautiful flower. Reflecting light into, The deepest, hardest ore. ~S.H.~

March 30, 2015 / Chapter 7: As a reminder

Wants lost through solemness. Fades like air. But I’d never die without it. Waved, washed. Claimed, unclaimed. Sorrow overwhelms logics. Seriously? Too foolish. Too naive. Nay freedom ain’t here. But…

January 27, 2015 / Chapter 5: Crazy Outbursts


It was occluded. The shine hinted among, The darkest corners. Yet it was still… Appalling. It seems the glitter and glam. Fazed my visions and overshadowed. But now… I am…

October 30, 2014 / Chapter 7: As a reminder

I’ve forgotten    I’ve forgotten That ‘الإنسان’ (humans) Came from the word ‘نسي’ (to forget).   We are always forgetting. But now, everyone else have regained memory.   But I’ve…