Category: Chapter 8: In the end

November 4, 2015 / Chapter 7: As a reminder

Push me To the ground. Heave and spite. Pull me closer to the ground. The ground. I need to feel the ground. The mountain has no peaks. Without the ground.…

October 25, 2015 / Chapter 8: In the end

I bring it forward, I write it off, And then it’s ok. ~S.H.~

October 25, 2015 / Chapter 8: In the end

Thread along the roads That never fail to hold. Some point in time. History came to find Me, in forms I feared In heartaches and pain. What is there to…

July 30, 2015 / Chapter 1: People you meet

Maybe the lines Dropped slowly. And words leave Forming gaps only. There were Raw cuts. And rough edges Spikes and a fire. Burnt out

July 21, 2015 / Chapter 7: As a reminder

When words haunt me Of the past, that threatened To come back. I whispered a silent prayer: What’s past is past, Come what may, the future. ~S.H.~

Dear sky, Did you see me, In the lights of their eyes. Worthy, To be held that high? For I have open hands, With a wounded soul. A heart that’s…

July 8, 2015 / Chapter 8: In the end

Sunlit smiles, Stay warm through The day. ~S.H.~

Maybe it will be like the seasons , Passing by for different reasons. Like a bird that flew across the seas. I am glad it’s spring now. ~S.H.~

The days passed like winter months. A hint of sunshine. A bit of sadness. But mostly gratefuleness. And all the things that kept me awake. A little magic. A beautiful…

March 30, 2015 / Chapter 7: As a reminder

Wants lost through solemness. Fades like air. But I’d never die without it. Waved, washed. Claimed, unclaimed. Sorrow overwhelms logics. Seriously? Too foolish. Too naive. Nay freedom ain’t here. But…