I saw a pair of butterflies, Fluttering freely In a garden of evergreens. ~S.H.~
Category: Chapter 6: When all you need is a smile
If there’s one thing, That I should understand. Life is a multitude, Of rain and rainbows. It isn’t monochromatic, Neither definitively demarcated. There’s in betweens, And overlaps and complications. With…
I like the way the sky lit up. Glowing yellow rays of sunlight, With patches of white clouds. Telling tales of the future and past. I like the way the…
Dear sky, Did you see me, In the lights of their eyes. Worthy, To be held that high? For I have open hands, With a wounded soul. A heart that’s…
Maybe it will be like the seasons , Passing by for different reasons. Like a bird that flew across the seas. I am glad it’s spring now. ~S.H.~
As if a single seedling, Has bloomed into, A beautiful flower. Reflecting light into, The deepest, hardest ore. ~S.H.~
I drown myself in noise. Blur blurry random sounds. Keep that emotion silent. Under the covers. I’m alright. Down. Up. Drown. ~S.H.~